Monday, February 11, 2008

Sorry It's Been A While

Sorry It's been a while I know. My dad says I can't have my computer on all the time or else it would keep bringing virouses to my computer and making it slow as a snail.
Thurday I was an extra for a movie called "American Mall". It was a very very long day. I got to the provo town center mall at 11am found out that they delayed the time to 1pm. So I walked around the mall for ever. They didnt use any of us tell 8pm and for only 30 minutes. They let some of the extras go at 10pm but picked six people to stay three girls and three guys. I was one of the three girls that had to stay. We ended up staying tell 2am in the morning. Guess what??? did they use us? Nope they did not. It got so close to time and a half then they let us go. I was so frusterated. But all was good I stayed at my brothers house so I didnt have to drive home exreamly tired. All though I didnt get much sleep because at 6am I was woken up by there kids playing the piano lOl. It's all good so not much sleep there. I'm not good with names but I know one girl from the O.C. Was there she was the one that was dating Ryan in the end. Not the one the died the girl after that? Then the guy from tv show so you think you can dance was the second runner up for that show was in it.
Friday I went to go with my parents to see the "Riverdance". That was awsome. Long but awsome. Then on Saturday night went to go see a lady named "Sissel" perform. Sissel was great. Something new. But great at the same time. So that's my adventure last week.